Thursday, October 21, 2010

Data Logging ( Dragon's Breath)

Modelling And Simulation

Friday, October 15, 2010


I would like to give my reflection towards the engage, empower and enhance model. For engage, it is very important in lesson skills because it is very important to elicit student's prior knowledge. From the engage model also we can detect the level of the student’s knowledge about the topic that we want to teach them. Second is empower model. Empower model also very important to show the results completely by using data logging and can make students understand more about the experiment. After that, the questions that we prepared under the empower model to test how far the students understand about the experiment and the topic that they were studied. Lastly about the enhance model. In my opinion, enhance is the most important part to make students more understand about the topic because we choose everyday life situation that they almost see it and feel it. From the situation, the students can apply and know deeper about the topics that they learned.

They are values and difficulties of implementing this model. The values are we can elicit more about prior knowledge of the students. Furthermore, from the model we can grow up their knowledge about the topics and relate it with the everyday life situation. From that that can apply what have they learned and can gain more advantage to their life. The difficulties that we can found are, the teachers must have creative and interactive idea to elicit student’s prior knowledge. It was not so easy because we also need to think how to make they understand and attractive about the lesson.

Otherwise, by using data logging, simulation and modeling in addressing student's problems in learning is very good. Data logging can help student become more interesting to do their experiment and easily to record their result or data. Simulation and modeling also very interesting and suitable to become teaching tool kit. By using simulation and modeling as a tool kit, students can understand more and they can see what that the things cannot been seen like the movement of molecules and electrons or the movement of blood, red blood cells and other cells in our live. From this model, their interesting to study can be increased and this can make the teachers more spiritual to teach.

Even though data logging, simulation and modeling give a lot of advantages to the teachers and students, but it also have some problems that we need to face when we want to apply it in our lesson. For example, in Malaysia they are still school that do not get well known about this tool kit because their classroom condition are not suitable enough and the facilities such as LCD,laptop and internet does not enough to apply these tool kits in the classroom.

My suggestions are, the Ministry Of Education needs to view more school’s facilities especially from the rural area because we need all the students either from the rural area or city area must be exposed about the ICT learning. Ministry Of Education need to supply more suitable condition to all school so that teacher can expose their students about the ICT in learning

Friday, October 8, 2010

Teaching Philosophy

As an educator ,I will strive to encourage excellence in my students and myself. I also want to prefer the course materials should be interactive and relevant to the current issue. Students learn and retain more information if the material is presented in an environment that is interesting and interactive. For this reason I believe that using the variety of multimedia such as video,slides and internet is an effective way to complement traditional course lectures and laboratory exercises.In my interactions with students, i will strive always to be respectful, especially  when dealing with different options that may arise as a product of scientific . I want my students to learn to think critically , not merely to accept my ideas and opinions.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Appreciation

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Grateful to His divine grace and giving me the opportunity of time and energy to complete the task in this semester. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you goes to Prof. Madya Dr Sopia Md Yassin and Sir Halim which has provided guidance to me in completing this task was given. I would also like to thank my colleagues are willing to assist in providing knowledge and guidance if I have trouble completing this educational blog. And last but not least, thanks to my parents who have a lot of rocks in terms of providing moral support and advice gave me the enthusiasm to complete this task. So, that's all from me.                                                                      

Thank You

Developmental Of Biology

Alternative Conception